Monday, February 1, 2016

(9)-The Law of Trinity Permeates into Both the Nature and the Ultra-nature(the Super-nature)

Practically governing all things of the two worlds and reigning over all of them, the Law of Trinity is only proved by its "son" which is the solid proof and evidence of its "mother". The "son" indicated here is Trini Homo, the law governing all the lives of Homo sapiens. Each of them "Mother" and "son" is verified by the other. Trini Homo is the very image of Trinity Law in shape and structure, being its exact counterpart, its spitting image. Everything governed by the law of Trinity has the law's spitting image of its own. Men and women. "Particle" and "wave" of the light. "UP spin"(x particle) and "Down spin(y particle) of the "quantum entanglement".

Trini Homo(or, fashomo) is no exemption, of course. And it is the most unique of all else as far as we know. The structure of trini homo being composed of FS, OT and SN quite resembles the one of a, b, c of the trinity law. Trini is the root of trinitas(trinity); fas means the divine law in Latin. Homo is Homo sapiense.

The Creator Himself is "the firstborn of every creature(Col 1:15-"all creation", A.V.)
because He is the only begotten Son of "the invisible God"(Col 1:15-17.
The Former is b and the Latter a.
Before begetting the only Son God was c.
c became the Father( a ) along with the Son ( b ) begotten. 
The Father made the Son purely out of Himself,
and so the essence(in the diagram above) is "God".
The Son is "the image"(Col 1:15), phenomenon, of the Father, noumenon.
These Two(duality) are One(unity) as the Son said, 
"I and the Father are One"(Jn 10:30), which means c
Hence He also said, "My Father is greater than I"(Jn 14:28).
Here in this, c is not a, nor b
It is because c means a in b, and b in a,  
as He also said, "I am in the Father, and the Father in Me"(Jn 14:11).

The Son acts in the name of the Father(Jn 10:25),
and the Father moves in His Son's name(Jn 14:26/16:23)
In other words, Father works for His Son, and Son for His Father
as the Body does everything for the Head, and the Head for the Body.
Oneness("duality as unity", a + b = c) implies the function of a body(c
as head(a) and body(b) with its various members. 

"Inversion" means the opposite quality(concept) of a and b
The symbol of Trinity law well represents this meaning: 
: essence; ◐ and ◑ are reverse to each other, 
composing a kind of symmetric relation.

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