Monday, February 27, 2017

"Thank-you" bow to an American young man

An email sent to Suk Koo by Lawrence Peck

The other day at a rally of over 1 million conservatives in Seoul,
a man over 80 approached me and bowed deeply to me, which
was highly unusual and a bit embarrassing. I asked him why he
was bowing to a young stranger, which is unheard of in Korean
culture, and he said his bow was meant to thank me, as an
American, for the tens of thousands of Americans who gave
their lives defending freedom in Korea during the Korean War.
Several conservative leaders here have been complaining to me that
the media and the entertainment community in Korea are deeply biased
against conservatives, and they asked me if Americans had ever had the
same problem. He also wondered if American academics were as devoted
to political correctness as were Korean far-left professors. After I stopped
laughing, I could only reply to them, "We have this famous dish in America
called "kimchi" and I wonder if you have anything similar in Korea?" They
got the point! Ha! Ha!

Our Comment:
Americans have no Trojan Horse like us Koreans here.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

"New scarves" - the token of the Korea-US alliance against North Korea

Suk Koo unfolds An email sent to her by a certain American who said in his mail,
"I have become a "fashion trend-setter"! This is surreal! I can't believe it myself! I am about the last person we all know that anyone would ever expect to be thought of as a "fashion trend-setter," but in the circus-like atmosphere of intense left-versus-right struggle here in Korea, that is what I have somehow become, at least according to some new Korean media reports.
As you know from my emails, for the past several months, Korean conservatives forces,
at their large rallies here, have been prominently displaying American flags to show
their friendship for the USA, to support the US-Korean alliance against the North, to
express their opposition to left-wing political leaders who are not pro-US and who
would appease the North and thereby damage relations with the US, and to more
generally annoy local leftists, who become enraged when they see all those US flags.
When I arrived in Seoul, last week, I gave American flag scarves to some of the leading
conservatives and pro-US activists in the country, the very ones who are in the media
all the time and giving speeches to huge rallies of millions of people in the heart of Seoul,
such as the lawyers representing the president in her impeachment trial, leading legislators,
defectors from North Korea, and famous activists from local conservative organizations.
The Korean media have started noticing that these leaders have in recent days all been
wearing such US flag scarves, and they are calling it a new fashion trend among Korean
conservatives, but these media outlets have not yet been able to discover just who the mysterious fellow was who gave these scarves last week to the top conservative leaders."

Our comment:

In Korea there is no such thing as "leftists" and "rightists(Conservatives)". Only "those who are of the Trojan Horse, the tool of North Korea" vs. "the freedom-loving people of patriotism". 

Friday, February 17, 2017



Peter Pyung Woo Kim, Esq. and Sudeok Jang, Esq., Co-Chairs
International Lawyers Forum (Korea Chapter)
Seoul, Korea        
                                    PRESS CONFERENCE ON KOREAN AFFAIRS
                                     -The Facts and Observations of the Press Gate -

This Press Release is intended to announce the inauguration of a non-profit legal community association of lawyers deeply concerned in the demise of the legal system of Korea in relation with the current turmoil caused by the ‘press gate’.  You are cordially invited to the inauguration ceremony as well as the press conference.
Time: 2:30-5:00 pm, Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Place: 18th Floor, Korea Press Center, Seoul, Korea

Majority of the people believe that North Korea initiated a long-coveted unification by non-military force after a long range espionage and step-by-step infiltration, a rekindling of the Korean War which has been on truce since 1953. South Koreans are divided into roughly two groups; the patriotic rightists group, represented by the mob led by national flags (Tae-Geuk-Ki) in defensive position on one hand and the activists group, represented by the mob led by candle lights in aggressive position on the other. The latter group has grasped substantial control over the press, the legal system and the political parties.  Street rallies by both factions are becoming weekly events. The national flags group rally grows faster and larger to a forecasted 5 Million on March 1st National Liberation Movement Day.
The candle light mob succeeded in having impeachment motion made by the National Assembly and the Constitutional Court (equivalent to US Senate for impeachment purpose) is now deliberating a decision for either quoting or dismissing the motion. A ‘special prosecutor’ is investigating crimes of the civilians and the President. Human rights appear to be at peril.
There will be a short inauguration ceremony, followed by a panel discussion of the extraordinary events and measures and a Q&A session. Both international and domestic correspondents are invited for free discussions, mostly for legal topics. It is encouraged for the RSVP’d participants to review the background materials that we will forward in advance of the conference, including a few articles, videos and correspondence related to the incidence. The conference will be performed in English.
In a nutshell, the entire country is ailing from the buried, distorted and manipulated news of events and crises. The truth is blindfolded by the press and the justice is displaced by the conspiracy of the press, the legal system and the parliament, thereby promoting the interest of subversive group at the expense of frustration of the patriots. Political system dysfunctions and governmental power is abdicated.
Contacts by all means of internet communications will be welcomed with prompt responses.
Tel: +82-10-3737-0708  

Friday, February 10, 2017

Trump will die at the age of 75 after finishing his term of presidency

네이버 영어 사전 안내

wikipedia - Donald Trump

Trump will be impeached in less than two years? No, never. Fashomo(the law which governs human life) tells that Trump will die at the age of 75. He can't run in 2020. In sum, he has 4 years safely guaranteed to "make America great again". Accordingly, there can be no such thing as "Trump Assassinated". They can't stop him becoming one of the greatest Presidents of the U.S. 

This diagram of Donald Trump is incorrect.  His LP continues still and he will remain alive more longer. 90 years old and over.
(2024.6.1 posting by Kwon Tayseek)

The following links are available for you to take a brief look at what Fashomo(fas=divine law in Latin, homo=homo sapiens) is and others.